Calculation of Appropriations Limit for FY 2024-2025

Article XIIIB of the California Constitution (the "Gann Initiative") and implementing legislation requires each local agency to review its "appropriations limitation" on an annual basis. The "appropriations limit" is the maximum amount of "proceeds of taxes" which the District can appropriate during the fiscal year. Last year the District Board of Directors adopted the appropriations limit applicable during FY 2024-2025. Based on data released by the Department of Finance on per capita income and population changes, we have calculated the WWD Notice of Determination of Appropriations Limit 2024-2025 (PDF).

Approved Budget for Fiscal Year

The Board of Directors of the Westborough Water District has approved the following budgets:

Audited Financial Statements

The following are the Westborough Water District's audited financial statements.

For the State Controller’s Special Districts Financial Transaction Report for WWD, click here.

Reimbursement and Compensation Policy

The following is the Westborough Water District's Reimbursement and Compensation Policy for Board Members (Directors).

Policy on Director's Compensation and Expense Reimbursement (PDF)

Annual Disclosure of Board Member or Employee Reimbursements

In accordance with Government Code 53065.5:

Each special district, as defined by subdivision (a) of Section 56036, shall, at least annually, disclose any reimbursement paid by the district within the immediately preceding fiscal year of at least one hundred dollars ($100) for each individual charge for services or product received. "Individual charge" includes, but is not limited to, one meal, lodging for one day, transportation, or a registration fee paid to any employee or member of the governing body of the district. The disclosure requirement shall be fulfilled by including the reimbursement information in a document published at least annually and shall be made available for public inspection.

To view reports, click on the appropriate year: